Monday, October 26, 2009

day 8

so i went through a few different ideas today

my first was to layer onto one of the rough copies i did yesterday

then my roommate asked if i wanted to perform friday for his monster box art show

so i set out to practice and possibly record a live didgeridu/banjo set

but i am still congested from the sickness i got last weekend
and the didgeridu is ridiculously hard to play if you can't breathe through your nose

then i had to adapt to the re-appropriation of the space...

same said roommate had a friend come through so they could create a monsterbox for the show in the room i was in

way it goes
into the bedroom with the banjo and the phone

in the end it works out for the best

2 different tracks
2 different styles

this banjo i have is so finicky with its tuning and tone

i have put a bridge that used to be on a sitar in place of the stock bridge
it floats around a bit this way and that
so sometimes it has a clear banjo like tone
and others it is that rolling sitar tone

and then to top it off the tuning machines are waaaaay cheap
so they don't really hold the tuning like they should

that being said
when it's sour i can't get into anything at all

but when it's sweet.....
it seems to play itself

first one has more of the clear tone
second has the sitar feel

day 8_ prt 1_ countrytime banjo.mp3

day 8_ prt 2_ banjo raga.mp3

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